All Newsletters

LC Newsletter 102: Yr 23-24

12 Aug 2023

Dear Parents,

In the last few weeks we had interesting discussion in our WA group. All this has prompted me to dig deeper into the Progressive Education Movement in the late 19th and early 20th century. I was interested to understand the circumstances that propelled this response to the traditional methods and if there were any similarities to our current times. Someday if few of us have interest in exploring this then, we can have a reading session or take it up during the book club. For now, I want to introduce you to John Dewey, who was born in 1853 and is known as the father of Democratic Education. He wrote a book, “Democracy and Education” in 1916. Here’s the pdf of this book, incase anyone is interested.

Now the highlight of the past week…


  1. There was an interesting proposal this time, why should we have Circle Time if we have Judiciary?

Now, Circle Time is mandatory for everyone to attend while Judiciary is not. CT is a forum where everyone is present which helps in rising any issues regarding functioning of the space or addressing of grievances that anyone has. But the issue is that usually these meetings go on for a long time, then hardly there is time for play. Mostly everyone resonated the same feeling so what we needed is conducting these meetings efficiently. Agendas will be written on the blackboard. From now on meetings will be called a little earlier so that theres time enough to play afterwards.

  1. Rope ladder

We are getting a new rope ladder and the resource minister is put to task for finishing the job this week.

  1. Stationary

Lot of stationary is getting misplaced. Pencils can be found everywhere but the pencil box kept at the arts corner. They are found underneath the gym mats, under the cupboards, corners of quiet zone, etc. We have now decided that everyone will get their own.

Baking Module

Hritvi’s aunt, Ishita along with her sis-in-law runs a patisserie. She taught us some of the basics of baking. How’s baking different from cooking? She also pointed some key behaviours to watch out for like not opening the door of the oven once its shut for baking and also advised everyone to have extreme patience.  


Almost all the kids have contacted their mentors and have atleast started their project research. This week their task is to answer the key questions they have and increase their breadth/depth of their investigation. They are supposed to contact their mentors again this week.


Limangi starts the session with the practice of the सरगम with the background of tanpura. Few need to be corrected but it largely sounds melodious. They are learning the song A Million Dreams from the movie The Greatest Showman. She has also started teaching them raag यमन. 


There are no hiccups in Sevas now. Everyone knows the job and what to do if its dusting, sweeping or swapping. Even though things don’t run 100% efficiently, but a strict warning from the seva minister does the job.


Vinayak Sir is taking special interest in the diet of kids. What’s to be had before the session and what after. He watches over who is eating what and how much? Who’s passing their tiffins to others? He explained to kids, how many grams of proteins to have and when to have the dry fruits? He has put to task some of the parents to make special protein mixes for the kids. 

Post office

There was a visit to the Post Office during the flexible session. They bought post cards and have to write letters to each other by next wednesday and post it. Everyone has to also find a post box near to their house and check the timings of pick up.

Thats all for now,

Until next time...