All Newsletters

LC Newsletter 75; Yr 22-23

15 July 2022

Dear Parents,

It's good to have a full house. Barring a few who were sick, everyone showed up this week, even the ones who were out of town. There was chaos after one week of calm and it felt good.

Here are the highlights of this week:


Have you ever wondered why water droplets dance on a hot tava? That's what we tried to find out this week in our Science Experiments. During problem solving the 10+ yr olds did pre-calculus preparations and how to find squares and square roots. The 7+ yr olds played guessing the number game and understanding 1D to 3D objects. History discussions revolved around social development, communication, imagination, narration of the History of Mankind. Language had Hindi and English poetry. In TWTW, discussions around the festivals of Bakri Id and Guru Purnima took place and also it was World Population Day this week. We played how to catch/throw a ball in the box tied to your waist with the help of your partners and a memory game with random words. (which are the worst possible words related to poop and potty).

Our blossoms did origami, painting and danced with their hands full of bangles. It's still difficult to do something in a structured way with them. So our structure itself is fluid.


Individual time is becoming a challenge, some of the kids are doing it religiously whereas some are just finding excuses to avoid. So we decided that those kids who don’t want to be disturbed will sit in the Quiet zone. Once they go in there they can’t talk to anyone and have to do their work by themselves. The rest will be sitting in the Hobby and Play zone with facilitators.

Friday Food

Pasta with white sauce with the least possible vegetables and utmost possible cheese. Naturally it was a hit. Everyone ate well, which was evident since dabbas were being passed around during lunch. Some of them didn’t eat anything and took them unfinished back home.

Movie Club - Sound of Music

The charming Julie Andrews and its wondrous music and lyrics. Children of many generations have grown up listening to its music. The life, so idyllic and serene. I was wondering how our children must be correlating this story with their life. How much of it is still valid? We couldn’t complete the whole movie but still had some discussions around it, particularly about kids when they become teens. Remember the song “I am sixteen going on seventeen…” We asked if they found anything interesting in this song. Some of them responded that kids should be independent before they get into relationships, why does a boy need to take care of the girl, etc.


Premjibhai Rambhiya came to visit us today, as you all know he is our mentor, well wisher and friend. It's always great to catch up with him. He is arranging a workshop for Homeschoolers, if anyone of you know of friends/family who are homeschooling then please write to us.

Reminder for coming week

On Friday, gymnastics is going to begin at 08:30 am.

Project Day is on 26th July.

That’s all for this week...